Memo From the RTC: Season Opens Next Week With Seussical Jr.
by Norm Scott
by Norm Scott

I stopped by the Rockaway Theatre Company’s headquarters in
Fort Tilden last weekend to watch both groups of kids rehearsing on the
beautiful Frank Caiati- designed stage, built by the construction team led by
Tony Homsey, of which I am a member. The stage was flooded with children of all
ages involved in both shows, which are outcomes of the popular high-level
Saturday RTC children’s workshops run by Peggy Press that begin every
September. Parents register their children from Brooklyn and even Long Island.
I imagine many seats will be filled with family members but some seats will be
available, especially for the matinees.
Fri, Sat. Eve: January 30th, 31st - February 6th & 7th
at 7PM
Sat/Sun Matinees: January 31st - February 1st, 7th and 8th
at 2:00PM
Bring the whole Family! all Seats- $10.00- no phone in or
online reservations will be taken -- at the box office day of performance only.
The RTC adult season opens in April with Neil Simon’s “Lost
in Yonkers” followed by “Guys and Dolls” in late June, “Little Shop of Horrors”
in August, Simon’s “Plaza Suite” in October and closing in November with a
reprise of RTC’s version of “One Flew Over the Kuckoo’s Nest” which was first
performed 10 years ago and will include as much of the original cast as
director Michael Wotypka can dig up. Rumors are that I have a shot at a role as
the Kuckoo and even a possibility of rolling the dice in “Guys and Dolls.” I’ve
started shopping for my zoot suit.
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