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CTU President Karen Lewis Reacts to Biden Intro as she refused to join other AFT veeps on stage |
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The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.
This is EXACTLY how every teacher and union member should treat these corporatists in the Obama administration.
Wanna know why turnaround is an acceptable "reform" procedure on schools?
Wanna know why your teacher evaluation is now based upon test scores and if you come up "ineffective" two years running on that measure alone, you're fired?
Wanna know why there are Common Core Federal Standards that have been shoved down the throats of districts all across the country - and soon federal tests based upon these Common Core Federal Standards?
Because of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the Obama/Biden USDOE.
That's why.
Stop Race to the Top.
Say No To Corporate Education Reform - whether it's George W/Jeb Bush doing it, or Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Kudos to CTU and Karen Lewis for standing up to the bullies in the administration.
At the NYSUT convention President Iannuzzi ordered the delegates not to join in with the Buffalo local as they left the hall when Commissioner King addressed the convention. I guess Randi knew enough not to try the same tactic as it appears from the photos than many delegates joined the Chicage local in their correct protest of the Obama administrations education policies. Did the resolution ever make it to the convention hall from the Chicago local that was placed as the fourth item out of the education committee? What was the chairs reaction to the Chicage protest?
After the way Randi disrespected the teachers who walked out on Gates, I think she knew better. But Randi was up against a rock and a hard place because Karen Lewis was also leading this. Karen Lewis is not a hypocrite. She wasn't going allow reformers to get away with bad ed policy in Chicago the way they did in NY. People forgot Randi led NYC's union.
Obama had a choice to make on who would run the Department of Education. Obama chose the ex-ivy league messenger boy on Clark St at CPS Headquarters, who out of blue was selected to run the Chicago Public Schools by Mayor Daley. Duncan ramped up the privatization plan of neighborhood schools in high poverty areas. That process has been the only initiative that has continued from his era in Chicago. Duncan goes to Washington and gets Federal dollars and power to continue his charade as a education leader. In my eyes, he continues to be the "messenger boy" for the big educational corporate interests. Chicago teachers understand very well the game played by Duncan. Google Ren 2010 program started by Duncan. Chicagoans have seen the monster face to face. I applaud Ms. Lewis and CTU Local 1 for their strong stance against Obama's Education Program. The Duncan plan is about privatization, since the scenario being constructed has high stakes testing as the hammer to destroy neighborhood schools. I am angry that the teeth were pulled from resolutions that may have meant something so much more. Chicago learned that the accommodationist stance no longer works for anybody. CTU Local 1 has answered the call. Will the AFT leader?
Chicagoans have seen the monster face to face.Obama this is not fare
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