As soon
as their non-profit status was granted, CWCS quietly used their power
over the local NY schools' trustees to push through exorbitant
"licensing agreements" that will funnel more than $3 million of tax
dollars away from the New York children they were intended for and into
the hands of a few wealthy executives of CWCS, a California corporation.
Another charter that skims 8% as a mismanagement fee.
There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it:
By Williamsburg Greenpoint
Brooklyn, New York
We ask the Attorney General for an injunction to stop Citizens
of the World Charter Schools, a network based out of California, from
opening in Williamsburg and Crown Heights on September 9, 2013 because the IRS is currently investigating the organization for fraud.
Citizens of the World Charter Schools (CWCS), a National chain
of charter schools based out of California has been approved to open two
schools in Brooklyn September 2013--despite the fact that CWCS is under
IRS investigation for fraud.
The IRS investigation puts both CWC NY schools at risk for
closure after they open. This is not fair to either the families who
enrolled in CWC NY schools or the tax payers who foot the bill.
Why is the IRS investigating?
• In 2011, the scandal ridden and now defunct California
non-profit Wonder of Reading funneled all of it's money and resources,
which were given to build libraries in public schools, into the creation
of a new chain of charter schools, Citizens of the World. Both
organizations are run by the exact same executives and board members.
• CWCS was granted tax-exempt status as a charity by the IRS in
2012 on the grounds that they would provide grants to open new schools
but NEVER charge the schools a fee for any rights or services. As soon
as their non-profit status was granted, CWCS quietly used their power
over the local NY schools' trustees to push through exorbitant
"licensing agreements" that will funnel more than $3 million of tax
dollars away from the New York children they were intended for and into
the hands of a few wealthy executives of CWCS, a California corporation.
• To date, no grants have been given to the NY schools, only
loans. And the school budgets show that the schools will not offer food,
a school nurse, or even a janitor.
Parents have the right to know this critical information!
Parents who applied to Citizens of the World schools
Williamsburg and Crown Heights are not aware of either the IRS
investigation or that their children will not be offered food.
There has been significant opposition to Citizens of the World
in the Williamsburg community since early 2012 when it was discovered
that Citizens of the World had racially motivated marketing strategies
and racial targets of 55% white for the CWC Williamsburg school.
Hundreds of parents protested the schools at the public hearings.
Parents in CWC LA schools are complaining that their children
are not receiving promised and required services, including English
Language Learners and children with special needs. There were several
incidents of neglect in CWC LA schools that led to a child passed out in
her own vomit, a child beaten in the bathroom, and another child in a
coma for five days.
We believe that the CWC NY schools are predicated on a
relationship with a corrupt organization. We also believe that the IRS
investigation will bear fruit.
We believe that Brooklyn children deserve better.
Is there any way to substantiate or get more details about the incidents of coma, child beating and neglect mentioned in this article?
You can read the details in the minutes of a CWC Board meeting. The parent statements are at the end.
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