CONTACT: Harris Lirtzman (during the school day) OR Megan Moskop ,
**News Advisory**
NYC Public School Educators to UFT Leaders: “Go Back to the Bargaining Table!”
MORE -- A UFT Caucus -- Calls for Teachers to Vote “No!;
Launches grassroots campaign for “Contract NYC Educators Deserve”
WHEN: Wednesday, May 7 2014, approximately 6:15pm (After UFT Delegate Assembly)
WHERE: SW Corner of 6th Ave and 54th St, in front of Hilton (1335 Ave of Americas, NYC)
(Movement of Rank and File Educators) calls for UFT members to vote “no” on the leadership’s contract proposal. The bargain under consideration:
- Spreads what UFT leaders call an “18% raise” over nine years. This amounts to a 2% raise per year - the approximate rate of inflation.
- Ratifies a teacher evaluation system based on the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers, despite a growing movement against over-testing, including parents who are opting children out of the tests.
- Does not address pay disparities, such as the salary cap for Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists and low starting salaries for teachers.
- Ignores members’ calls for stronger checks against abusive administrators.
- Divides teachers with extra “merit pay” for those picked by administrators.
- Undermines due process protections for teachers in the Absent Teacher Reserve.
MORE calls for a grassroots negotiation process driven by members’ participation. Teachers across the city generated MORE’s, “The Contract NYC’s Educators Deserve.”
WHO: MORE, a growing UFT caucus in the UFT, organizes for a democratic, militant union, based on the motto "Our working conditions are our students’ learning conditions!” In 2013 MORE co-organized the “More than a Score: Talking Back to Testing Forum” with parents in Change the Stakes and the “Fair Pay for City Workers Forum” with members of over a dozen unions. MORE ran candidates in the New York State Teacher’s Union (NYSUT) elections in April ( ).
VISUALS: Teachers wearing T-shirts and buttons will gather with signs and banners.
The Movement of Rank and File Educators is the Social Justice Caucus of the United Federation of Teachers. To learn MORE, visit www.morecaucusnyc.or
Again, where are the secretaries mentioned. HERE WE ARE! We pay dues also and work.......Stop ignoring us!!!!
Susan - I agree - but we need secretarie to get active in MORE and make your case, not just by leaving a comment. You will be very welcome. Come to the organizing meeting on Saturday. The OT and PT people have done that and we took up their case. You guys are getting killed and we hear nothing about it because Unity controls the secretary chapter. No one can fight for you guys without you being in the fight.
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