Sunday, May 11, 2014

UFT Contract: MORE Sponsors Discussion (Unlike Unity) - Long Island City - Thurs May 15, 4:30PM

Open and honest debate. While Unity hides behind official visits to schools, MORE will hold open discussions. Come whether you are for or against the contract and talk about it. Download and print copies for your school if you are teaching in the area - or even if you're not.

UFT Contract Information Session
Come hear a detailed breakdown of the proposed contract by John Giambalvo followed by discussion and Q&A facilitated by Kevin Prosen. 

Where: Studio Square 35-33 36th Street,
LIC, NY 11106
N Train to 36th street R Train to Steinway
When: May 15, 2014 4:30


anon said...

during past ratifications, i recall being mailed my ballot by the aaa and mailing it back to them.
now, ballots are being sent to cls, who distribute them and retrieve them.
why is this?

Anonymous said...

good question I know in my school anybody who they know is going to vote NO will definitely have their vote wind up in the trash.