Moaning Mona Davids has switched sides more times than a tennis ball.... and burned more bridges than the retreating German army..... Ed Notes
Local 372 President Santos Crespo Jr. fired [Mona] Davids in December, then sued her in January, claiming she failed to turn over passwords to databases containing confidential information about the union’s members and its contacts.... NY Post, Feb. 10, 2014
Just 3 years ago Mona Davids supported and took part in a film that took a strong pro-tenure stand for teachers. She even paid for and set up the web site for that film but destroyed the site when she decided to switch sides (once again) in an attempt to cover her tracks.... Ed Notes
Mona Davids is a virus... Anonymous teacherThe news that self-serving Moaning Mona Davids, hoping to get a piece of the hedge fund ed deform anti-tenure action, has filed a Vergara copycat suit over teacher tenure, has spurred me to dredge up this blog post that's been lurking in draft mode for many months. I hadn't bothered because the idea that anyone actually takes Moaning Mona Davids seriously causes me constant amusement as to just how naive so many people are. Her press release regarding the suit is laugh out loud reading.
I'd like to see if this law suit has any real financial backing. Mona may just be trolling, knowing full well there will be a well-financed suit coming. Her hope is to get her pitiful attempt combined with others. If you had a choice between Moaning Mona Davids and Crappy Campbell Brown, both desperate to use the teacher bashing issue in an attempt to remain relevant, who would you choose? Hmmmmm. Let's see if there are any ed deform funders out there will to take a chance on venturing forth into a Moaning Mona minefield loaded with IEDs. Today's NY Times piece indicates that this is a trolling law suit looking for publicity.
Sure, not bankrolled by outside interests because they are too smart to get involved in Moaning Mona's shenanigans. Her main hope is to have hers combined with the heavy hitters and pick up a few crumbs on the way.Education reform groups, some of them supported by Wall Street philanthropists, are expected to support a wave of Vergara-inspired suits. Ms. Davids contended that her suit was different because it was not being bankrolled by outside interests.However, Ms. Davids said she expected that if multiple cases were to be filed, they would eventually be lumped together by the courts.
About a year ago I also laughed myself silly when I heard DC 37 Local 372 had stepped in it by hiring Mona Davids, who we nicknamed "Moaning Mona" after she made anti-teacher racially tinged comments at various meetings in 2009 - before seemingly switching sides. But more on all that in future posts.
Self-serving Moaning Mona Davids as Local 372 Political Director -- to help stop Anthony Weiner's mayoralty campaign? Really, Comedy Central material.
I was tempted to post some of my Mona files at the time, but, knowing there would be some delicious stuff to come - that Mona would find a way to alienate everyone, I decided to sit back and watch things play out. And so they did. I don't want to call Local 372 leader Santos Crespo dumb for even letting Mona anywhere near the union's confidential information. But.... anyone who shares a password with Moaning Mona should be examined by a doctor.
“Davids exhibited an attitude of spite, anger and refusal to follow directions,” Crespo said in a court affidavit. In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Crespo also suggested Davids engaged in “commercial piracy” by refusing to hand over passwords linking to the union’s proprietary databases.... NY PostI'm shocked, just shocked that the always self-serving Moaning Mona Davids would engage in such activities. Concerns about parents and children are in the back of her plate. In fact, not even on the plate.
The entire NY Post article below the break.
Oh, if anyone has time on their hands, go check the financials of the NYC Parents Union --
And a blast from the past featuring Moaning Mona:
... Oct 23, 2009 -
I'm posting a letter from a teacher at the Patrick Daly School (PS 15) in Red Hook, Brooklyn to "Moaning" Mona Davids, self-proclaimed ...
Anti-Weiner campaign sparks suits between union and political director
Local 372, representing 25,000 Department of Education workers, hired parent activist Mona Davids as its political director last year to launch an anti-Weiner campaign after the sexty pol vowed to eliminate the jobs of 1,300 parent coordinators the union represents.
But after Weiner flamed out, Local 372 President Santos Crespo Jr. fired Davids in December, then sued her in January, claiming she failed to turn over passwords to databases containing confidential information about the union’s members and its contacts.
“Davids exhibited an attitude of spite, anger and refusal to follow directions,” Crespo said in a court affidavit.
In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Crespo also suggested Davids engaged in “commercial piracy” by refusing to hand over passwords linking to the union’s proprietary databases.
Davids, a single mom from The Bronx, filed a countersuit, claiming Local 372 violated state law by refusing to pay her $7,332.94 in back pay. She is now seeking $164,665.88 in back wages plus legal fees.
Horrible how this woman who stood so strongly with public ed could turn the tables. Just goes to show the Reform movement used $$$$ to attract attention.
I wouldn't say Moaning Mona was ever strongly pro public ed -- always was a charter school supporter. And always played both sides.
Clearly Mona (Miamona) Davids has a personal agenda, most likely linked to her South Africian business connections, investments etc. Why else would she desire access to the data base?
There's an Afghan warlord named Rashid Dostum who may well be suing for infringement.
I'm not surprised that CEC 31 President Sam Pirozzolo is in on this as he ignored years of pleas to help students of troubled schools. No doubt he will use this to make another run for office.
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